I have crafted this space
*The Rituals
where the Sacred meets the Everyday. *The Circles - small & large, virtual and face-to-face - where we practice Showing up - to Share deeply, Dream big & Step boldly into our own Holy Realm of Yes. |
My name is Amy Day.I am a cartwheel-wielding, Sanskrit & ukulele-lovin', coffee & champagne-drinkin', curse words & prayer-slinging Yogini who cares very little about the current status of your crow pose.
I want to help you translate the tools found on the mat - and transport them into the fabric of your everyday LifE. |
I want unearth the SacRed TerriToRy you possess down in your bOnes, your very CeLLs - something you can drop on into when there's no Sticky Mat in sight.
I wanna' mine the hoNeY swimming' in your veins with a gentle wooden spoon - Because - It's There. Just no one's shown you how to TaP that yet. |
I'm a Yoga Teacher...A mama… A wife… A writer… Certified herbalist…
I come from a long line of Artists, Teachers & Healers...
These are the codes that I carry.
These are my bloodline, my credo, & my offering to the larger world. *My practices have taught me how to go into the place that aches... and listen to it Speak. |
Sound Good???