1/14/2017 1 Comment Open your Hands...![]() "Open your hands if you want to be held." ~Rumi My house feels just so Big.
So very many rooms. When I wake in the night, and before I can remember where I am...trying to recall, somewhere inside my sense memory just how many steps to the bathroom - two or twenty - I let my fingers reach out to explore - and timidly chart the way. Sixteen days inside the little 25-foot camper. Where each thing was cased neatly inside this singular space. A nook for eating - that doubles concisely as the space in which we draw and paint, play cards and knit together puzzles.Precisely two steps away from where the cooking and the cleaning and the all-important task of coffee-making takes place. One step (or just a well-heeled turn-around) from where the food is kept… Another dainty tip-toe to the toilet and the shower. A hasty stumble over to the little bed - where, miraculously, we’ve managed to fit all three of our slumbering bodies for the past 8 days - if I wedge myself just so between the cheap-wallpaper wall and the blonde mess of hair and delicate breath that fits inside the outstretched crook of my arm just So. For just more than a fortnight, we have condensed down our world to whatever can fit inside the confines of this humble container. And now, upon arriving home… Where the frost clings tenaciously to the rooftops and the glassy surface of the deck… Where there exists entire Rooms for Everything - Where just a few days previous there were only nooks and corners. It all feels so grand once again. My immediate pocket of the Universe all up and expanded. And I am temporarily taken aback - at the scope of it all. Momentarily thrown out of balance - wondering just how to inhabit the sheer Mass of it once more. ……………… I like to think of my Practice(s) thus::: A straddling of two realms. Betwixt & Between. A direct Line of Communication between the small, oftentimes seemingly trivial details of my oh-so-ordinary Life - and the Deeper Life - of the Heart, Mind, Soul - that I am called to Inhabit. Standing on my little patch of un-swept ground and Calling to the Powers that Be - “Please. Come. Let the truth of things be revealed... May the Way be made Clear." Checking In - Tapping the Deeper Source.. Whether I find it through Movement or Stillness. Silence or Sound. Imagery and Metaphor. These Constellations embedded in my Day and week - guiding me into the place(s) I need to be. ...................... This year (& all the ones leading up to it...) has been slowly teaching me... the value of wading out into the Unknown. The vast, sometimes overwhelming arena of What If. . To stepping in fully into all the Unseen corridors inside my heart & home & World. . Where is the place that scares you? That keeps you up at night... That makes your breath catch a bit inside your heart and throat... . . Where is the place where the road is not yet paved... but you hold the hefty paving stones of inspiration firmly in your hand... . . Where there is no song as of yet... but a tender, lilting tune has begun to formulate inside your mind... . . I am learning::: Go there. To the place where there are no roads. Where you feel a bit off-balance and shaky. Go there. Walk on. .Open your mouth and start to sing. Here is My Job as I see it right now:::To Move on into those rooms. To the places that call to me... scare me... challenge me... Fill me. To walk boldly into the corridors of this house… this Life...the humble places I’ve been granted ownership and access to - and Fill them with Meaning...Resonance... & Light.
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