9/1/2016 0 Comments You don't have to KnoW...“She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. 'Time' for her isn’t something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water.” ― Roman Payne We are library people. Little old ladies-in-training, she and I. It's how we get our fix. When she was small, we'd dutifully mount the steps each Thursday morning to sit at the feet of our beloved, red-headed librarian and hear her read from that week's chosen stack. If it was only us, she'd sit down with us anyway, and graciously pore through the dust-jacketed treasures, one-by-one. We will show up on the random Tuesday and sit down for the free caterpillar bookmark craft (we made two), then take our empty shopping bag around the corner and begin to ladle it full of that week's bounty. We are ravenous and greedy in our pursuit. IF you can carry it, you can bring it, so the Logic goes. And then we bring it home and find that special corner of the couch that cradles us both just so, and happily, for the next hour or so, she and I immerse ourselves in a lolloping series of imaginary worlds.
................................................... '"When I grow up, I too will go to faraway places, and when I grow old, I too will live beside the sea." ... "That is all very well... but there is a third thing you must do.... You must do something to make the world more beautiful." "All right." ... But she did not know what that could be.' ...................................... On our last outing, we brought back this gem. Miss Rumphius. Or, as I always remembered it, from my own wide-eyed listening so many years ago... The Lupine Lady.... About another red-headed woman (they're kind of a thing in my world...) who spends her young days adventuring (in a time, too, now I realize, when such a thing was virtually Never Done) and then settles down to a contemplative Life by the Sea. And, as her Act of Beauty - she decides to wander the hills and lanes and alley-ways and countryside where she lives - scattering Lupine seeds wherever she goes. Using the birds and the wind and the Elements as her allies, she covers the tiny world in which she dwells - with these little kernels of loveliness. And when the Spring comes once more (and all the springtimes to follow, too) - They Bloom. As I worked toward this "soft opening" of sorts over these past few months, staring at a screen - attempting to define - both for myself and for the noisy-ass confines of the InTerNeT - just What IT Is I Want To Do & Say.... I stumbled. I hesitated. I hemmed & hawed & vacillated & sighed. Who am I? What do I do? What is it that I have to offer? And, furthermore.... What does it matter??? {{{I am learning that these are the voices that speak first & loudest - when attempting to put anything New out into the world... Be forewarned =) }}} *I am a yoga teacher who cares very little for poses - and quite deeply about the positioning of one's heart & Life. *I am a writer with no books to my name. A woman who spins stories and snapshots out into the either. *I am a dimestore alchemist. *I am a champion of Joy. *I am the Woman asking the question, continually, repeatedly, turning to face each corner of my Life::: Please... Show me what it means to Love... *I am a humble Purveyor of Light. (who still stubs her toes in the dark far more often than I'd care to admit...) *I am an avid student of the Mystery (and therein a tEaCheR, too - as all good Teachers are merely those who showed up regularly with an open hEaRt - & took good Notes.) *I am sitting with the Questions *I am the one showing up, regularly, heart-in-hand - ready to Do The Work. *I am tossing out little seed packets of Beauty as I can, trusting that they will land where they are needed. .....And I do not have to know just what that will be (quite yet).... .................................... The New Moon, as always, invites us to ponder what new beauty we shall birth into the world - what is being asked of us right now - to show up and work on - and offer out into the sphere. And, in this mystical time... we wander, for a bit, in the Dark. Not always able to see clearly what shape this new Gift of Offering may take. But we are asked to move forward anyway. Guided by the light of our own Inner Vision & Heart. We are called to make the world a bit more Beautiful, yes. To Keep Showing Up. Under No ObligationWhatsoever - to know just What form - this new Beauty will take.
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